This is for your eyes only Lori and we will remove it when the site is launched…
- To whom is the website copyrighted?? To you and Chris or to
- When do you want the site to go online?
- Did you want to add a mailing list signup to the site so you can collect emails to alert people when it becomes available?
- When is the book available for sale?
- Is the phone number the only way to order the book?
- Do you want to sell it from the website?
- How about those bios or profiles about the authors?
- Where would you like the LonePinePublishing email address to be on the site? Is that for ordering books? That isnt much of a sales platform if thats the case…
- Where would you like email from the form to go? Your email addy? Chris’? Lone pines?
- Did you want to provide a sample of the book available for download? like the first chapter?
- Email me the user name and password of your Godaddy account so I can point the domain name at my server and set up a placeholder page until you are ready to go live with this…
There are some technical things that i need to do based on your answers so this second list is for me…
- Optimize site for google keywords and install google analytics?
- See about scaling font sizes for mobile browser…
- Set up cloudflare and SSL?